Lt-Gen. Myint Swe of the Ministry of Defense told security officials on Monday to increase national security during December, according to military sources.
A high-ranking military officer who took part in the meeting told The Irrawaddy, “In the beginning of this year, he [Lt. Gen Myint Swe] told us to prepare the extra security for October. But in the last meeting, he said to prepare for December.
A police officer in Rangoon said, “The election might be held in December. That’s why he gave instructions to us to upgrade security at that time.”
No date for the election has been announced.
In the 1990 election, political parties had 90 days to campaign before the polling date. It is unknown if that will be the case in this election.
A National Security meeting is held each Monday in Rangoon when officials from the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Home Affairs, police officers from Rangoon Division and officers from Special Branches (SB) attend a joint meeting.
In the 2007 Saffron Revolution, Lt-Gen. Myint Swe was believed to be the commanding officer who put down the demonstrations at the cost of many deaths and injuries.
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